Saturday, 25 November 2017

Enhance nopCommerce Store's Usability with Category Slider Plugin

Do you have a nopCommerce store which does not have great user engagement rate? You might want to enhance the usability of your nopcommerce store!

You should look at what people are interested in when they visit your nopCommerce Store. Most of the people want to navigate to a category easily. You should serve users with a great easy to find category listing.

There are many ways to show category listing to users in an intuitive way. But, as it is said, one image can say a thousand words, an image is the best option. You can show a category in a slider with a great appealing graphics which inspires user to click on the image and go directly to the category page.

NCode Technologies, Inc. has great premium nopCommerce plugin portfolio. Our nopCommerce developers have come up with a great nopCommerce plugin to show category slider on a page. nopCommerce Category Slider Plugin will allow showing banner slider for each category.

Below are some of the features of this plugin.
  • Category Slider plugin allows showing banner slider for each category.
  • User able to set the banner slider images for each category, and it will show for particular categories page.
  • User able to set the redirect URL for the slider banner images.
  • User will able to set the banner text for the slider banner images.
  • It is easy to install and nop commerce 3.9 version supported plugin.
Look at the demo video of how to install this plugin into your nopCommerce Store.

Hey, what are you thinking of? Improve your nopCommerce store's usability with our great plugin.

To buy this plugin, go to our official nopCommerce Marketplace from below link.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

nopCommerce Product Details Slider Plugin

Do you want your nopCommerce store to generate more sales and revenue? There are lots of possibilities which can help you to get more out of your ecommerce store.

One of the ways to achieve this is to show more and more products to your customers via a product slider on a single page. Displaying product details is also very important as it's one of the factors which any customer would like to check before buying any product.

NCode Technologies, Inc. has come up with a great solution for this. Our expert nopCommerce developers have developed a nopCommerce plugin called “nopCommerce Product Details Slider Plugin” to help you show a product details slider on a page. It is a nopCommerce 3.9 supported standalone plugin.

Look at the demo video of how to install this plugin into your nopCommerce Store.

Below are some of the features of this plugin.

  • Products Details slider plugin allow showing products details slider on public store home page.
  • This plugin allows to select products for display it on the home page.
So what are you waiting for? Buy this amazing plugin.

You can buy this plugin from official nopCommerce Marketplace from below link.