Wednesday, 20 February 2019

WordPress Beta 5.1 versions are now available!

For all the WordPress users, 2019 started with some impactful and solid news.

The new version of Wordpress is still under development so don’t run it on your computers on production site. The new beta version of WordPress has been in news till the beginning of the year. It has some new advanced features and benefits.

WordPress 5.1 is expected to be released on February 21 and there are some tests to be done so that bugs can be found out in coming weeks.

What is Site Health Check?
The 5.1 Beta version focuses mainly on Site Health Check which focuses on stability, security and performance improvement to the whole WordPress. This software will stop the improper code from running, allowing the user to log in an issue in the dashboard, unlike the prior releases.

The new Beta 5.1 version of WordPress has
 many new features

  • It is one of the mega releases of 2019. after the release of WordPress 5.0, beta 5.1 is now available and expected to be released on 21 February.
  • Predominantly focussed on Site Health check Project.
  • A newly added feature of white screen protection.
  • Several refinements and bug fixes have been made in the site health project.
  • A notice will now be shown when developers incorrectly register rest API endpoints.
  • Twemoji has been updated to the latest version 11.2.0
  • The old language packs have been deleted to avoid the filling of storage.
In a nutshell..
For web developers, WordPress claims that 5.1 Beta has major benefits and features for the developers such as protection from bugs, Health site check, custom crown handler etc. The changes in Beta 5.1 will give developers more power over the codes and they will be able to understand the bugs.